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lululemon Campaign

Fall 2021
In my Advertising Copy, Layout and Production course I developed a campaign for a client or brand of choice. I chose lululemon and over the span of 2 months, created a mock campaign. My campaign focused on changing consumers mindset to view the brand as a high-end choice for accessories and everyday casual-wear, not just athletic apparel. 

I created a print ad, digital banner ad, three pieces of social media content, and drafted an
out-of-home experience for the campaign. At the end of the semester, I pitched a client presentation.

You can find my creative brief here:


Print Strategy


This half-page print ad will be posted in magazines surrounding health and lifestyle, such as Women's Health and People. This ad is awareness based and aimed at informing viewers of product offering and where to purchase.

Digital Strategy

Artboard 1_edited.jpg

This banner ad will be placed on fitness websites and mall websites where lululemon stores are located. They have a call-to-action for the viewer to shop products by clicking on the advertisement. These ads will adapt to include products that are in stock throughout the busy shopping seasons such as back-to-school and holidays.

Social Media Strategy

These Instagram posts and stories will inform users of new or current products and ways they are useful in their everyday lives. They encourage viewers to shop online, visit a store, or interact with the online post.

instgram story.png
Instagram Post #1 copy.jpg
insta post 2.png

Out-of-Home Strategy

popup3 (1).png

University campus pop-up shops will specifically target individuals who attend classes or have a direct affiliation to them. They will be located in temporary infrastructures like the one pictured above. The shops will offer products, mainly accesories, to consumers without requiring them to leave their everyday schedule.

Client Presentation

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